White Wash Magazine. Spring Issue Cover Shoot.

Tina Broad Photograph by Dean Dampney/CloudFace Image Solutions

Tina Broad Photograph by Dean Dampney/CloudFace Image Solutions

Getting the creative freedom to be able to shoot beautiful magazine quality imagery for the specific purpose of creating a strong cover shot and content, couldn’t make me happier. Pictured here is Tina Broad, an absolute powerhouse of a woman - hopefully you can tell that by the photograph. I was in awe of Tina simply being in close proximity to her as she led The Glorious Mudsingers for their rehearsal the evening I spent with them to take some photos. The energy was through the roof!

Shooting for White Wash Magazine has been a Photographic Career Highlight for me. It might not be the front cover of The Good Weekend or The New Yorker but the process is just the same, and the characters I get to photograph every bit as photo worthy!

Here’s some other favourites from the shoot.

All Photographs by Dean Dampney


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